Spotting Before Period

What is spotting?
Spotting or Period
Spotting before period is common for many women, and spotting towards the end of your cycle is also very normal for lots of women, and not usually a cause for concern. There is no real regular pattern to spotting, which is why it can often take you by surprise.
Likewise you will also be familiar with the other symptoms you usually experience during this time, such as cramps, bloating and mood changes.
If you experience irregular periods, it may be difficult to know the difference between spotting and bleeding between periods, so becoming aware of what the flow looks like is important. Menstrual bleeding is usually red, but it’s not unusual to notice changes in colour as your cycle progresses.
What causes spotting before period?
If you experience spotting before period, it’s usually coming from the upper and lower reproductive tract- the uterus or cervix. It’s totally different from the menstrual cycle, and can be down to a wide variety of causes, most of which are usually harmless.
What causes spotting after period?
Common causes of spotting between periods
Hormonal contraception
Some women most commonly experience continued spotting with the hormonal IUD and mini-pill. Speak to your doctor about alternative methods of contraception that might be more suitable for you. Find out more about how contraception can affect your period.
Spotting will be accompanied by other common signs such as: an increase of cervical mucus, with a very thick, egg-white consistency; a decrease in the body’s basal body temperature (followed by a sharp increase after ovulation); a dull ache on one side of the abdomen; breast tenderness and bloating.

Despite ovulation being suppressed by breastfeeding, some women also experience spotting as the body prepares to ovulate for the first time after giving birth; it’s again thought that huge hormonal shifts are to blame.
Peri menopause
If you suspect you may be in peri menopause, try to keep a track of these changes and if you’re concerned, speak to your doctor.
Symptoms to look out for include a painful, burning sensation when you pee; a change in vaginal discharge which may be coloured white, yellow or green; itching around the vagina and/ or anus; pelvic pain. If you’re concerned, seek treatment straight away to avoid complications.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PID is very serious and can if you experience signs of infection, such as severe pain in the abdomen and a high temperature, you should seek medical attention straight away. The NHS advises that delaying treatment for PID can lead to serious issues that can lead to long-term health complications. If treated early, a course of antibiotics will kill off the bacteria that cause PID. Your partner will also need to be treated and you should take steps to make sure the infection is not spread to others.
If you’re concerned about PID, speak to your doctor or visit a sexual health clinic so that they can rule it out. Always practise safe sex and especially take care with new partners.
Trauma/ injury
The NHS has more information on this service and other services available to you.

Symptoms of PCOS also include pelvic pain, weight gain, excessive hair growth and problems conceiving. If you think you might have PCOS, speak to your doctor about potential treatments, which include: hormonal birth control, insulin medication, or fertility drugs designed to prompt the pituitary gland to produce more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This course of treatment helps to balance the levels of FSH in the body, thus helping to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Uterine fibroids
Some women may experience heavier or longer periods, pelvic pain, pain during sex and difficulty urinating. There are different treatments that you doctor might recommend if you have uterine fibroids, so get an appointment to discuss your options.
Ovarian cyst
Ovarian cysts may cause spotting between periods, along with other changes to your cycle such as heavy bleeding or a disruption to your regular pattern of bleeding. Very large cysts might push against the bowel or bladder, causing pain when using the loo. That said, most women don’t experience any symptoms at all and therefore probably won’t even know they have a cyst.
If you’re concerned about ovarian cysts, your doctor can advise you on whether or not treatment is needed.
Cervical or uterine polyps
Polyps can cause spotting after sex and between periods, along with a change in vaginal discharge. They’re usually diagnosed during a routine examination and your doctor might recommend removing them (which is a painless procedure), but in most cases no treatment is needed at all.
With endometriosis, as the uterus lining breaks down in the body during your cycle, blood and tissue builds up and is not able to flow out as it normally would during you period. This causes a lot pain and discomfort for sufferers and periods are often very irregular. Lots of women will experience spotting as a result.
If you suspect you may have endometriosis, speak to your GP about your symptoms and ask to be referred for more tests. Around one in ten women are estimated to have this condition, but getting a diagnosis can be lengthy process.
Thyroid issues
Other symptoms include: feelings of fatigue and extreme tiredness; weight gain; constipation; sensitivity to cold dry skin; muscle aches, joint pain and feelings of weakness; low mood; ‘puffy’ face. If you suspect you might have an under active thyroid, speak to your GP for advice on treatments available to you.
Cancer of the Uterus, Cervical, Vagina or Vulva
Speak to your GP about spotting between periods so that ant serious conditions can be ruled out.
Spotting during pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should always be taken seriously, and you should call your midwife or GP straight away so that anything more serious can be ruled out.
Implantation bleeding
If you suspect implantation bleeding, take a pregnancy test to make sure.
Cervical changes
However, the NHS advises that most women who experience some spotting or vaginal bleeding at this stage go on to have a successful pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy
The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include spotting, pain in the lower abdomen (sometimes on one side), pain in the shoulder and discomfort when using the loo. If you experience these symptoms, seek medical attention straight away.
Termination of pregnancy
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) advises that vaginal bleeding is normal following a termination of pregnancy, and this can last up to two weeks.
Following this, the blood flow tends to slow down, and some women may then experience light spotting, in some cases right up until their next period.This is normal, but if you’re concerned then it’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor.
Vaginal infection
During pregnancy, you are susceptible to vaginal infections which can cause spotting. Speak to your midwife or doctor about the tests and treatments available to you.
Signs of labour
Towards the end of pregnancy, the plug of mucus that is in the cervix begins to break away as the body prepares for labour. For some women, this may look like spotting, for others it’s a lot more noticeable as a ‘show’. Speak to your midwife if you have concerns about this.